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Furnished Apartments in Lawrenceville

Anyone traveling to the city of Lawrenceville who enjoys a grand performance will undoubtedly be delighted by the offerings available at the Aurora Theatre, where they not only hold musical and theatrical presentations, but also host ghost tours and comedy nights throughout the year. If you’re heading out on a date or have children traveling with you, however, an evening at Medieval Times is the perfect location for enjoying a fine feast while watching modern day knights compete in horseback jousting tournaments and simulated sword fights.

How Churchill Makes You Feel at Home Anywhere

Since its founding, Churchill has focused exclusively on helping clients feel at home anywhere they may be traveling. Now 30 years later, Churchill leads the way in the furnished apartment and corporate housing industry, having helped tens of thousands of business travelers and families find their own home away from home. We do this by providing you with the comfort and premier properties you expect during your stay, with each of our more than 8,000 properties being carefully selected to deliver the traveling experience you deserve.

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