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Packing For Corporate Travel

Packing For Corporate Travel

All the most savvy business travelers agree: It pays to have a packing strategy. Most business travelers prefer not to check a bag but, if you have to travel with equipment or other bulky items, having a bag in the cargo may might be inevitable.

All the most savvy business travelers agree: It pays to have a packing strategy. Most business travelers prefer not to check a bag but, if you have to travel with equipment or other bulky items, having a bag in the cargo may might be inevitable.   When you’re making considerations like this, be sure to think about what sensitive company materials you will need to have on your person, if any. Our best packing tips are: Always pack extra essentials, like underwear and socks, in your carry-on.  If you’re staying in a furnished apartment, you should have ample space to store your belongings. The “to-and-from” stage is really where you need to be conscious of how much you are packing. Pack clothes that can be mixed and matched with each other to minimize space. This can mean dress shirts, dresses, slacks, etc. On a short trip, try to minimize the number of pairs of shoes you need to bring. Also, settle on one color of socks. Being mindful space, be sure to bring anything that enhances your sleep quality. This could be a pillow, blanket, or other hopeful sleep aids. Mouthwash, toothpaste, and chargers should always, always, always be in your carry-on.   Check the weather of your destination prior to packing. This can dictate whether or not you bring an umbrella, and what type of clothes you will wear.  

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